wifi 二维码生成

小米手机的 wifi 可以生成二维码,通过扫码连接 wifi。当然,凡事都是两面性,好的方面,当然是即使忘记密码,也能让另一台手机连上网络,而且不用手输入密码;而坏的方面是,二维码是可解析的,知道二维码就知道 wifi 的密码。


本节内容来自 二维码知识


类型 说明
文本 text 直接生成,无需处理
网址 url 直接生成,无需处理(如果前缀加上 url: 在微信中不能自动跳转)
名片 mecard MECARD:N: 小明;TEL:13723456789;EMAIL:payonesmile@qq.com;ADR: 广州天河区;ORG:xx 有限公司;URL:http://pro.wwei.cn/;NOTE:QQ:13783821;
电话 tel tel:13723456789
邮箱 mail mailto:payonesmile@qq.com
短信 sms smsto:13723456789: 短信内容
无线网络 WIFI WIFI:S:CMCC;P:123456;T:WPA/WPA2;



L 水平 7%的字码可被修正

M 水平 15%的字码可被修正

Q 水平 25%的字码可被修正

H 水平 30%的字码可被修正

WIFI 二维码

本节内容来自 https://github.com/zxing/zxing/wiki/Barcode-Contents

We propose a syntax like “MECARD” for specifying wi-fi configuration. Scanning such a code would, after prompting the user, configure the device’s Wi-Fi accordingly. Example:

Parameter Example Description
T WPA Authentication type; can be WEP or WPA or WPA2-EAP, or nopass for no password. Or, omit for no password.
S mynetwork Network SSID. Required. Enclose in double quotes if it is an ASCII name, but could be interpreted as hex (i.e. “ABCD”)
P mypass Password, ignored if T is nopass (in which case it may be omitted). Enclose in double quotes if it is an ASCII name, but could be interpreted as hex (i.e. “ABCD”)
H true Optional. True if the network SSID is hidden. Note this was mistakenly also used to specify phase 2 method in releases up to 4.7.8 / Barcode Scanner 3.4.0. If not a boolean, it will be interpreted as phase 2 method (see below) for backwards-compatibility
E TTLS (WPA2-EAP only) EAP method, like TTLS or PWD
A anon (WPA2-EAP only) Anonymous identity
I myidentity (WPA2-EAP only) Identity
PH2 MSCHAPV2 (WPA2-EAP only) Phase 2 method, like MSCHAPV2

Order of fields does not matter. Special characters \, ;, , and : should be escaped with a backslash (\) as in MECARD encoding. For example, if an SSID was literally "foo;bar\baz" (with double quotes part of the SSID name itself) then it would be encoded like: WIFI:S:"foo\;bar\\baz";;


这里就不描述如何编写的了,代码在 github 开源,下面演示一下:


wifi 二维码生成